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Being a member of CSI is a must for any professional involved in designing, supplying, building, negotiating, planning, contracting, or any other function within the construction-building industry.  CSI members bring real world solutions to this ever-changing climate.  To learn more about CSI’s different membership types, discounts, resources, and educational opportunities, click on the link below.  This location is also where you will start the membership process:

Joining CSI is an annual-type individual membership, meaning that your membership is for 12 months from the date you join (or whenever the processing of your membership is complete), so you may join anytime during the calendar year – at your convenience.  The “national” dues for CSI are $275 per year.

We sincerely hope you will also join the Crandic Chapter when you become a member of CSI.  You will need to select the “Crandic Chapter” during the registration process at the appropriate time and place.  We feel that it’s at the local Chapter level that CSI matters most and where it has the most benefit to its members.  Our local dues (an additional cost of $120 per year) basically cover the cost of your meals at our monthly Chapter meetings.  We hope that by paying in advance, you’ll be more likely to regularly attend our meetings.

Therefore, the total amount required to join CSI and the Crandic Chapter would be $395 per year.  Any way you look at it, membership in CSI and our local Chapter is a real value and a great investment of your time and money.

If you are still undecided whether to commit to joining us, you may attend one of our Chapter meetings as a first-time guest – at no cost to you.  You can attend an informative educational presentation and have dinner afterward, all compliments of the Crandic Chapter!  Hopefully we can convince you that we’re worth having you permanently join us by the end of that evening.

Our monthly meetings are generally held on the Third Tuesday of the month, September through May, with rare exceptions.  Our meetings start at 5:30 pm for social time and the presentations typically start at 6:00 pm, with dinner ordered off of the menu afterward.

Please contact the Chapter President if you have any additional questions about CSI, and we’ll certainly try to answer them.

Chapter Bylaws

Bylaws of the Crandic Chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute, Inc.

(Revised July 4, 2017)


Section 1.

The name of this organization is the Crandic Chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “Chapter;” said Chapter being an affiliate chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute, Inc., a Maryland not-for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as the “Institute.”

Section 2.

The Chapter shall be affiliated with a Region of The Construction Specifications Institute. Regions are areas geographically designated by the Institute Board.  Currently the Chapter is affiliated with the North Central Region, hereinafter referred to as the “Region.”


The Chapter is governed and operated in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa, provisions of the Institute Bylaws, these bylaws, the regulations and requirements for the conduct of Chapters of the Institute as adopted from time to time by the Institute Board, and the rules and instructions of the Chapter’s Board issued through its Officers.


Section 1.

The purpose of the Chapter is to provide a medium at the local level for advancement of the objectives of the Institute.

Section 2.

The name, funds, or influence of the Chapter may be used only in support of this purpose.


Section 1.

The management and direction of the Chapter shall be delegated exclusively to its Board.

Section 2.

The Board shall consist of the following positions: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and at least 1 Director.  Emerging Professional members may serve in any of the elected positions.

If the Chapter includes a student affiliate, a student affiliate representative shall be a non-voting member of the Board.

Section 3.

All members of the Board, except the student affiliate representative if any, are eligible to vote on Chapter business.

Section 4.

The Board shall consider requests for change to retired or emeritus status, and submit certified requests to the Institute.

Section 5.

The Board shall select all standing and special committees, select representatives to the Region Board, designate duties, and may authorize compensation for justifiable expenses.

Section 6.

The Board shall schedule quarterly Board meetings. Special meetings shall only be held upon the call of the President or a majority of the Board upon 7 days written notice.  Board meetings may be held via electronic means provided they are conducted by an audio, video, or computer-based teleconferencing technology that allows all persons participating to hear each other at the same time.

Minutes of Board meetings shall be distributed to the members or posted on the Chapter website, with a copy to the Region Secretary.

Section 7.

A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

Section 8.

Should a vacancy occur in any office of the Chapter, the Board shall by two-thirds affirmative votes of the Board’s membership fill such vacancy by appointment of a member eligible by all other criteria for the duration of the unexpired term.

Section 9.

If the Chapter has a student affiliate, the Board shall appoint a committee to support the student affiliate.


Section 1.

The President shall serve as Chair of the Board; preside at all Chapter meetings; select the chairs of temporary committees; be an ex officio member of all committees; and sign all agreements and formal instruments. The President shall serve for a term of 2 years or until a successor is elected.

Section 2.

The Secretary shall see that notices are sent at least 7 days in advance of all meetings of the Board and of the Chapter and keep accurate minutes thereof. The Secretary shall maintain a file of all correspondence; keep a roster of members and committees; co-sign all agreements and formal instruments, except those pertaining to the office of Treasurer; and submit a report of office at the annual meeting.  The Secretary shall perform other duties as assigned by the Board.  The Secretary shall serve for a term of 2 years, expiring in odd numbered years, or until a successor is elected.

Section 3.

The Treasurer shall collect and receipt for monies and securities; deposit funds and disburse and dispose of the same subject to the direction of the Board; keep accurate books of account; submit a report at Board meetings; and submit a report of office at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned by the Board.  The Treasurer shall serve for a term of 2 years, expiring in even numbered years, or until a successor is elected.

At the close of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall determine if informational forms and tax returns are required, file required forms, and pay taxes due to the Internal Revenue Service and other authorities within the prescribed time limits.

Section 4.

The Immediate Past President shall be the former President of the Chapter who has completed the most recent term, serve as chair of the nominating committee, and have other assignments as prescribed by the President or the Board.


Section 1.

Officers and Directors shall be elected to those offices as established by Article IV by the members of the Chapter. The outgoing President shall assume without election the office of Immediate Past President.

Section 2.

Each elected Board member shall take office on July 1.

Section 3.

A nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board not later than February 20.

The nominating committee shall endeavor to select candidates so the composition of the Board reflects the diversity of Chapter membership.

The nominating committee shall prepare a list of nominees, showing at least one name for each elected position on the Board due to become vacant, and present the list to the Chapter at a Chapter meeting not later than the end of March. At this time, the members may present nominations from the floor.  Election for contested offices shall be by ballot.

Section 4.

The nominating committee shall prepare the ballot, which shall include the original list of nominees and those nominated from the floor. Each voting member of the Chapter shall be provided with a ballot at least 2 weeks prior to the ballot count.  For purposes of Chapter elections, voting members shall include Professional members and Emerging Professional members.  The winner shall be the candidate who receives the most votes for the position.  Ties shall be resolved by coin toss.

Section 5.

The ballots shall be counted and certified no later than the end of April, by tellers appointed by the President, and the results shall be reported to the members.

Section 6.

Not later than April 30, the Chapter Secretary shall notify the Institute office and the Region Secretary of the results of the election and shall submit to them a complete list of the Chapter Officers for the coming year, with their contact information.


Section 1.

The qualifications for membership shall conform to the requirements of the Institute Bylaws.

Section 2.

Membership in the Institute is a prerequisite to membership in the Chapter.

Section 3.

A Chapter member may be classified as an Honorary Member, Distinguished Member, or a Lifetime Member only by action of the Institute.

Section 4.

The provisions of the Institute Bylaws for disqualification, suspension, expulsion, and reinstatement of members shall govern.


Section 1.

The annual meeting of the Chapter shall be held before the end of the fiscal year, at which time committee reports shall be submitted, if applicable. The Secretary shall submit a report on the activities of the Chapter during the past term of office.  The Treasurer shall submit a report on the finances of the Chapter during the past term of office.  A copy of these reports shall be sent to the Region Secretary.

Section 2.

Regular general membership meetings shall be held monthly, except when otherwise decreed by the Board. Not less than 6 regular meetings shall be held during the fiscal year.

Section 3.

Special meetings may be called whenever the majority of the Board deems it necessary, or upon written request by not less than one-tenth of the Chapter members. The business at special meetings shall be limited to that for which the meeting was called.

Section 4.

Minutes of regular and special meetings shall be distributed to the members or posted to the Chapter website, with a copy to the Region Secretary.

Section 5.

These bylaws, together with the applicable provisions of the Institute Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of business of the Chapter.


Section 1.

The fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.

Section 2.

The annual Chapter dues shall be set by the Board. Any change in the dues structure shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of those Board members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.  Members Emeritus, Distinguished Members, Honorary Members, and Lifetime Members shall not be subject to dues.

Section 3.

Institute and Chapter dues shall be paid to the Institute with the Chapter dues being returned to the Chapter by the Institute.


The Board shall appoint a committee to audit the books and transactions of the Treasurer at the close of the fiscal year. This report shall be read at the next regular meeting of the members of the Chapter or posted on the Chapter website.


Section 1.

Proposed amendments to these Chapter bylaws shall be publicized or otherwise sent to each member 10 days prior to a regular meeting or special meeting.

Section 2.

Following publication, the amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at the regular or special meeting. The approved Chapter bylaws shall then be posted on the Chapter website.

End of Crandic Chapter Bylaws